Sign Manufacturer Eliminates Breakage in Channel Letters

Polycarbonate sheet has 20 times the impact resistance of acrylic

sign channel lettersA sign manufacturer was having breakage problems with large acrylic channel letter signs.

Cracked acrylic letters delay installation

Acrylic offers numerous benefits—but it can also crack relatively easily. Our customer was having issues trying to handle and install the letters, and had multiple letters break or crack at the inside corners and other high-stress areas. When channel letters break, it can cause major problems with your budget, your deadlines, and your client relationships.

TUFFAK® polycarbonate offers exceptional durability without sacrificing aesthetics

Curbell suggested that they try TUFFAK® SL polycarbonate for the application. TUFFAK® SL polycarbonate is 20 times more impact resistant than acrylic. Polycarbonates like TUFFAK® look good day and night, and even feature UV-stabilizers for outstanding weatherability.

Switching from acrylic to TUFFAK® SL polycarbonate solved the breakage problem and saved the sign manufacturer significant time and money.


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Acrylic sheet carving machine with a Flatbed cnc machine

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